New York # 3 - Meeting my Namesake
Unfortunately, by the time we got to MOMA, it was our second-to-last day in NYC and I was still recovering from the flu I caught the week before and tired out from the late nights and constant walking. I was also a little "museumed-out", having visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art the day before and the Picasso and Rembrandt exhibitions at the National Gallery of Victoria just before leaving for NYC. So it all got a little overwhelming by the time we reached MOMA.

What I did like about MOMA (despite the crowds) was the beautiful Sculpture Garden (photo above courtesy of YF), which was unfortunately closed the day we were there, the innovative architectural lines of the building and the beautiful view of the neighbourhood from the floor to ceiling glass windows.
I also liked that the gallery hosting the modern design classics of this century from furniture to gadgets was arranged almost like someone's really cool apartment! Here's a shot that I took to post in my book for inspiration on furnishings when I need it.

Then after practically running through the rest of the galleries after lunch (I was seriously needing a chocolate or caffeine hit but the dessert café on the top floor - Terrace 5 (The Carroll and Milton Petrie Café) is unfortunately packed with the crowds), I decided to take a break from all the art and go check out the MOMA store.
The MOMA store is truly amazing - there are little gadgets, sleek design features, furniture, jewellery, knitwear, funky bags.... my kind of shop. I'd been browsing their website for the last couple of years and have drooled over the many design classics on it. Although our luggage limit was quite generous this time around (64kg for each of us!), I remembered that I still had to lug the 2 Le Creuset cast iron pots I bought at Woodbury Common back as well and wisely refrained from buying a carpet I was eyeing. I chose a couple of postcards of the artworks I liked and seeing that I always run out of staples for my stapler, I bought a stapler which doesn't require staples but attaches your pages together using an innovative "punch-paper-and-back-fold" method. When showing A my buy later, he shakes his head thinking I'm a little addled to spend US$9 for a stapler.
After the brief sojourn in the MOMA store, I head back upstairs and return to the last gallery to look for the Pop-Art collection. Turning a corner, I come face to face with her - Andy Warhol's famous depiction of my namesake. I have poster and stickers of this but seeing it up close is definitely mindblowing. What a nice way to end off my visit!

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